Monday, April 06, 2009

Bean-town, Just Been-there....

Well I made it to Boston and back again in one piece. Though I did nearly hit a wall doing 45 mph at 6:30 am on Thursday morning just a mere 10 minutes into the trip. That was scary, never had a car turn 90 degrees and a slide 15 20 feet on a off ramp....oxymoron? hmm....anyways, got to spend 2 days in Boston, do some site seeing and did some tourist stuff. I've never been to Boston and it was like a mini Manhattan. The subways were easy to manage (unlike Chicago, ugh!), people seemed friendly enough and the hotel I was staying at was perfect. 2 minute walk to the Charlie (subway), a meer 10 minutes from downtown and a 5 minute drive to the convention hall. Saw a few spots I recognized from one of my all time favorite movies: Boondock Saints....I know, I'm a nerd.

Here's a few photos from the trip:

As for the show, much bigger than I thought it was going to be. Good crowd, made a few new friends and fans. Here's a few sketches I was able to bang out, though I missed one or two. If anyone got a sketch but I didn't put it up, email me and I will do so ASAP! Thanks again for stopping by the table and supporting me.

Also I wanna say thanks to anyone who placed a bid on the sketchcards that were up for auction and especially those who won! You helped raise $50 for American Cancer Society. Not bad for only 3 cards and 30 minutes of my time. YAY!


Anonymous said...

I purchased the Hulk shown in your blog here! Thanks man!

It's going to totally end up on my blog! By the way - I was going to ask if you might be interested in doing a few more pieces like that for me - one of the Leader, the Abomination, Bruce Banner, Betty Ross, and Joe Fixit. Is that something you'd be interested in? I hope so!

You can email me at

Len N. Wallace said...

Looking at it, I think you'd be a pretty perfect fit for the Incredibles comic over at Boom! if their current artist ever leaves or needs a fill in. You should try and hit up Mark Waid.

Rob Reilly is a said...

I've already tested. Waiting to hear for Disney's approval.

Neil D Vokes said...

Hey,Robo- great blog!

wish i could have been in Bean Town with ya-but nobody asked me (hard to believe ,me being a living legend and all...;o)

I've popped your blog link on my blog list so the few folk who pass by there will know to seek you out-at least they had better if they know what's good for 'em,by cracky!

Colin said...

Glad you enjoyed the Boston con, Reilly! Tell your friends!

jackpurcell38 said...

hey Rob,
Good seeing you in beantown! Any luck with Harvey?

Bean Recipes said...

Thaank you for writing this