Sunday, December 20, 2009

God Compex Pin-up

It's been a while and with the silly season upon us, posting artwork on the blog is last on my list. Anyways, I hope to correct that soon!

At the moment I am working with my friend, Stevn Walters, on a new mini series. Just finished the 6 page sequentials for the proposal. We are looking for a colorist to do a ONE PANEL submission and are paying (if selected) to color the entire project. We are paying a page rate. So if interested, please email me directly for a high res jpg and a non-disclosure form at skatoonprod at optonline dot net.

In other news, check out this lastest pin-up I finished tonight for my good friends John and Mike for there new Image title "God Complex" I think this is for issue #3!!! PRE ORDER NOW!!!!!!

haha...well Call of Duty:MW2 beckons! So have yourself a wonderful holiday!!

See you in the new year! Click image to enlarge.


Neil D Vokes said...

What's a "COMPEX" ?

...and BTW...very cool art...;o)

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!