Saturday, March 27, 2010

Shrek Comic, Conventions and other demi-god like activities

Well it's been a long while since I've posted anything. Good lord! So I wanted to make sure that you guys didn't feel that I forgot about you.

So what have I been doing for the past three months? Work my ass off! hahaha

Since the last post, Ape Entertainment has hired me to work on a back-up story for the Shrek prequel novel that will be hitting the comic shops towards the end of April and chain retail stores the beginning of May (Walmart, Borders, etc). This is my first REAL published work, so please, please go out and purchase it. Any help spreading the word would be appreciate!!

In other news, PLANET ZOO, the OGN I had finished sometime ago is now being released through Ape Ent. as well and is scheduled for Nov/Dec 2010 with a bunch of other kid friendly titles. As soon as I can get an order code, please please pre-order the shit of it! hahaha

Other than that, I've been working on a project (I think I've mentioned before) with my god friend Steven Walters, we are pitching it to Ape Ent. by the end of the month. The first issue (out of 5) is just about finished.

Finally, I will attending the Boston Comic Con, April 10-11. At the moment, this is the only convention I am scheduled for. I'm hoping to hear from NYCC at some point about October. If there are any conventions you feel that I should be at, just email me directly and I will see if I can make it happen!

As always thanks again for the support! Below is one page from the Shrek project, click image to enlarge.


Neil D Vokes said...

Nice work,buddy-you may have some talent after all...;o)

ashbarron said...

Hope to see you at NYCC